Ada rau n oli ilmor il oin hei econ ou ogethe u n Decembe 017. h w cion ell-know rtist app rau n immi ale Gilmor irs e ell-receive ather-so ho a rancisco, oc’ a n 2016. Th w inger-songwriter ecam as riend n ecide la ou fte oin fe uccessfu ne-of how a rancisc n ustin, exas, ilmore’ ometown. Thei umme 01 ou aste e ay n en ro onoma, alifornia, her raum lives, untingto each, alifornia. Ada rau n oli ilmor eflec hei usica toc hei tyle u r lazing thei w rail h usica orld. ilmor a hre ighl cclaime ull-lengt Ds an raum’ 01 eleas “Jus ik ome” arnere t’ w ositiv eviews. raum als u u “One-takes” it i trin ri h ose oy 016. urrentl n pre-productio o nothe ol eleas lanne o 018.
Ada rau lway ut un, igh-energ ho ha a oulfu ibe. H as raise oodstock, .Y., usica amily, hic hape i usica orl iew. is fathe app raum, ainsta h reenwic illag ol cene, urne da o blues, luegras n ol tyle hil i rreveren eenage piri evele n blues-drive ock. I i arl wentie da o i h merican u n her a urnin ack. Hi nfluence nclud ooder, a ahal, oh iatt, tev arle, ississipp ohn Hur n ev. ar avi am ew. ot erform n eache hroughou he Sa rancisc a re n ls ationally.
Trau a w nstructiona V uita esson omespu apes. i ”Mean o Be” (2006) elebrate i iversit ighlightin i ongwriting, hic ncorporates story-drive ongs, umo n atch uita iffs. raum’ ewes eleas ”Jus ike Home” (2012), l cousti ollectio ong ha av ntimat ee n ays tribut i usica eritage. Hi an h ose oy u u hei irs D “One-takes” 016. urrentl re-productio o i ates ol ffort. (
Coli ilmor re ubbock, exas, pendin an ight hil ightclubs lik tubbs, her itnesse ongwriter ik o ly, err llen, n i wn father, immi al ilmore, rin h tag ife. ate evelope ast o uddy Holly, owne a andt, n and ik h las n h ogues. o ears, olin ha ee nforme hes bservations, ritin ong n layin how tyl hat i rul i wn. Hi hre ull-lengt lbum av o ritica cclai n a as ha pan he world. i econ lbum oodnight Lane receive -sta eview oj n ncut, an i ates lbum he Wild an Hollow wa ame ”Bes mericana/singer-songwriter albu 013″ uffingto ost’ ik agogna. ecentl erforme n, rote song o n electe h the rigina ong o h il arracuda, hic eceived load ritica rais h XS 01 il estiva n a ote o h ffec he musi a h ilm. oli urrentl orkin nothe lbu it egendary produce ichar arone. (